Help us build great shows and great kids by volunteering with MYT!
Each person volunteering must register by clicking “SIGN UP” under a unique email. There is no password to remember, as you log in via an email code each time! (Heads up: This can be tricky when opening links on a phone app that has its own browser that is separate from your main browser).
Volunteering is a 2 step process: 1. Register/sign in to be a volunteer. 2. Sign up for shift.
Curtains Lobby
MYT Volunteer Positions
Thank you for signing up to volunteer in the lobby on show weekend! Volunteer hours from the past 12 months will count towards GOLD/SILVER Family Sponsorship levels for 2025 shows.
Click here to read the "volunteer manual" which details the roles and expectations of each position.
Email with any questions!
DO NOT buy a ticket for the performance you are volunteering at, volunteers already have reserved seats in row P.
Star Gram Booth Chairperson
Our Star Gram booth is a great way for fans to send messages to their favorite cast members! Star grams are $1 each.
The Star Gram Chairperson will...
* Write the name of each performer on an envelope.
* Create a tri-fold poster to set on a table.
* Prepare paper and pens/markers for the Star Gram booth.
* Check paper and marker supply throughout the performance weekend.
We have tri-folds already for you to decorate!
Box Office volunteers will...
* Sell tickets to patrons
* Check in patrons who purchased tickets online
Volunteers should arrive 75 minutes before the show begins. Volunteers remain in the lobby until 20 minutes after the scheduled show start time to assist late comers.
Box office volunteers have reserved seats in row P.
Ushers will...
* Direct patrons to their seats (evens on one side, odds on the other)
* Distribute QR codes for Digital Program
Volunteers should arrive 60 minutes before the show begins.
Ushers may take their seats in row P 20 minutes after the show starts to help late arrivals.
Concession volunteers will...
* Sell snacks and beverages before the show and during intermission
* Sell star grams in the lobby (messages to cast members for $1 each)
Volunteers should arrive 60 minutes before the show begins.
Concession volunteers have reserved seats in row P.
Box office and ushers must be 18+. Concession volunteers ages 13-17 may volunteer with a parent/guardian.